Friday, January 10, 2014

Ask What You Desire, and It Shall Be Done For You

I was in my mid 20's, and at this large house party in Brooklyn one night. There was this tall gregarious balding man with a huge bag of cocaine offering everyone a "bump." He had a little teeny spoon on a chain that he would keep snorting with and then hold it out for others. This man seemed much older than the majority of people at this particular party. He was fervent in his dancing, and proud of his drug of choice. A young lady friend and I were watching him dance around like a buffoon, as was a majority of the attendees. The life of the party had offered us a bump, but we had both declined. It just seemed awkward, and gross.

As the music was blaring she whispered loudly into my ear, "That guy is 40 years old." Her whisper echoed in my mind as I watched him dancing from afar. I thought to myself, I sure hope that I'm not like that guy when I turn 40.

When I was in high school, I started reading lots of books. I was a total bookworm. During lunch, I would go where no one could find me and read. One of my favorite authors of that time was Charles Bukowski. At the age of 16, I had never really drank much alcohol, and I had an extremely smooth complexion. However, after a year or so of reading most of Bukowski's prose and poetry, not only did I develop an addiction to alcoholic beverages, but I had also developed a terrible case of acne vulgaris. I had enjoyed reading about Bukowski's life as an alcoholic with bad acne, I thought that it was funny. Little did I realize that the pen is certainly mightier than the sword. What I was reading slowly became my own life. It was not voluntary, it just happened. Doctors read about medicine for years, lawyers read about the law. What we read becomes our lifestyle. It has been said that "Great readers become great leaders." This is why I read the Bible every single day. I ingest the Word of God. It takes me to the secret place of the Most High. It transforms my life as I abide in His Words. I believe. I am a believer. I am more than a conqueror. I can do greater things than Him. I live to glorify God. Read your Bible! Start today!

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